Friday, August 14, 2020

Lesson Plan Outline

Subject: English
Amount of time needed for lesson: 90 min
Grade level: Second grade (A1)

Preliminary Planning
Unit of Study: Body

General Topic: Parts of the body

Content Objectives:

  • The students by the end of this class should be able to differentiate the different body parts.

  • They should be able to locate the body parts on their body and others body.

Language Objectives:

  • Learn the vocabulary for the body parts.

  • Start to make simple sentences with the new vocabulary like “touch you nose” or “move your head”.


  • Cut out pictures of:

    • Pair of eyes

    • A nose

    • An arm

    • A head

    • A carrot

  • Tape

  • Big role of kraft paper

  • Pencils

  • Colored markers

  • Colores

  • White sheet of paper for every student.


  • TV

  • Internet connection

  • Speakers


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