Friday, August 14, 2020

Lesson Plan Outline

Subject: English
Amount of time needed for lesson: 90 min
Grade level: Second grade (A1)

Preliminary Planning
Unit of Study: Body

General Topic: Parts of the body

Content Objectives:

  • The students by the end of this class should be able to differentiate the different body parts.

  • They should be able to locate the body parts on their body and others body.

Language Objectives:

  • Learn the vocabulary for the body parts.

  • Start to make simple sentences with the new vocabulary like “touch you nose” or “move your head”.


  • Cut out pictures of:

    • Pair of eyes

    • A nose

    • An arm

    • A head

    • A carrot

  • Tape

  • Big role of kraft paper

  • Pencils

  • Colored markers

  • Colores

  • White sheet of paper for every student.


  • TV

  • Internet connection

  • Speakers

Warm-up: Odd one out

The warm-up of this class will be playing the game called the odd one out. The idea with this game is to put on the board pictures of body parts and one of those pictures will be the odd one out because it will not be a body part. For example, you can put a picture of a pair of eyes, a nose, an arm, a head, and a carrot. The students have to point out which one does not go with the rest. Through this, they will be working on the ability of deduction. This activity will last 5 minutes

Video: Body parts

The students are going to look at the video of the body parts but it will not stop there. They will also need to follow the movements of the video as they go along. Using total physical response will help those students who have different learning styles. This activity will last 5 minutes.

The Memory Circle


In the memory circle activity, There will be one student who will say a body part and will touch
 it, for instance, ear. The other student will touch and say the first one (ear) but then adds their o
wn (nose). 

Simon says


Simon says is a game where the teacher will be Simon. Simon gives the students several instructions like “Simon says touch your nose”. In this game, you can lose if you do what Simon says but he does not start the sentence with “Simon says”, that is the keyword. You can choose a couple of students to be Simon so that they also feel involved in the classroom setting. The part of the activity will help the students start creating simple sentences with the new vocabulary. This activity will last 20 minutes

Body Tracing


In this activity, the students will be divided in groups depending on the amount of students. Then, 
the teacher will be giving a big piece of kraft paper. The students will be outlining one of their 
classmates' bodies on the kraft paper. After this, they have to label each body part that they learned
 in the previous segments. This activity will last 20 minutes. 

Draw a monster

The last activity and the assessment is called Draw a Monster. To begin with this activity, the teacher will have to place the flashcards or write the body parts on the board. Then for each body part, the teacher will roll the die (or one student that s/he is invited up). The number that appears on the die will be written on the board next to a body part. After that, the teacher will have to tell the students they must draw a monster with the same number of body parts as is written on the board, for example, 6 legs, 2 arms, 6 eyes. This activity will last 20 minutes.


Lesson Plan: Body Parts Template by Ipietoon Cute Blog Design